School Health Services
School Health Services is an integral part of the Huntingdon Special School System. School Nurses are an invaluable member of the education team. The goal of the School Nurse is to promote a healthy school environment which will maximize each child's potential to learn and grow. The School Nurse acts as a liaison between education and health care, providing a link between the school home and community.
School Nursing is a specialty branch of professional nursing that seeks to promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case management services; and actively collaborate with others to build student/family capacity for self-management, self-advocacy, and learning.
Huntingdon Board Health Policies
The HSSD Health Clinics are designed to treat minor injuries and to act as a temporary "waiting room" for students who have become ill during the school day. Should a student become ill, only persons designated on the Health Information/Emergency Release Card will be contacted to pick up the student. All telephone numbers must be recorded on the Health Information/Emergency Release Card and updated immediately if changes occur during the school year.
Illnesses During the School Day
If a student becomes ill during the school day, the student should report to the school health clinic where the nurse will assess the student and administer first aid. In the event the school nurse is not present, the student should report immediately to the main office.
Students will be sent home and should stay home from school due to illness if any of the following are present:
- fever of 100 degrees or higher in the past 24 hours
- vomiting and/or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
- itchy, red eyes with discharge
- unknown rash
- untreated scabies
- ringworm of the scalp (until treatment has been started)
All medication should be given outside of school if possible. Most medications, even those scheduled for three times per day, can usually be given outside of school hours.
Medications will need to be brought in to the school clinic by the parent or guardian who will sign a Medication Card.
Medications must be:
- In the original, properly labeled container (no baggies or envelopes, please!).
- Up to date (check expiration date before bringing it to school), and
- Age appropriate in dosage.
This includes any over the counter medications, such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, cough drops, etc.
Inhalers: Tennessee State Law permits students to carry their inhalers with them. We request the inhaler have a label on it or be sent with the box prescription label. Initially, the inhaler must be signed in by a parent along with a permission to carry contract.
Epipen: Tennessee State Law permits students to carry an epipen for life threatening allergies. Initially we request these to be signed in by a parent, also.
Immunization Requirements
Children entering school (K-12) must have the required immunizations listed below or the appropriately documented exemption:

The above immunizations must be provided upon entering school on a Tennessee Department of Health Tennessee School Immunization Certificate from the physician or Carroll County Health Department.
Recommended Immunizations for Adolescents
CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) recommend that pre-teens get several vaccines at their 11 or 12 years check-up.
- Tetanus- diphtheria- cellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap)
- Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4)
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, for girls
- Influenza (flu) vaccine (annually from September through January and beyond) NEW
These vaccines prevent serious, sometimes life-threatening diseases. Immunity from some childhood vaccines can decrease over time, so people need to get another dose of the vaccine during their pre-teen years. Also, as children move into adolescence, they are at a greater risk of catching certain diseases, like meningitis and HPV. If your child did not get their vaccines at age 11 or 12, please schedule an appointment to get them now.
Tennessee School Health Screenings
With the expansion of Coordinated School Health to all school systems in Tennessee, all students in grades Pre-K, K, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8, as well as high school wellness classes will receive vision and hearing screening during the school year. Those same grades, except for PreK ,will be screened for blood pressure and height/weight. One grade of high school will also be screened for blood pressure and height/weight. Oral Health screenings for students are encouraged, but not mandated as is scoliosis screening for 6th graders.
Helpful Links
- The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis
- Asthma and Allergy Foundations of America
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- United States Department of Agriculture- Food Pyramid
- BAM! Body and MInd-Activity games for kids
- Immunizations
- Kids Health
- Teen Suicide
- American Association of Poison Control Centers 1-(800)-222-1222
- Car Seat Safety
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention